Tutorial on image moderation in images with AWS Rekognition, Python (boto3), Streamlit, OpenCV and moreCode: https://github.com/EricTechPro/AWS_Rekognition_Tutorial#aws #Rekognition
GraphQL Authentication with Node.js, Apollo Server, Prisma, and SQLite
Learn how to add robust authentication to your GraphQL server using Prisma in this comprehensive tutorial. We’ll start by creating data relations between User and Link models, running Prisma migrations, and modifying your GraphQL schema. Follow along as we refactor resolvers, implement login and signup functionality, and add JWT verification to y
React Suspense in GraphQL with Apollo Client (useSuspenseQuery, useBackgroundQuery, useReadQuery)
Dive deeper into Apollo Client with this tutorial on advanced data fetching techniques. In this video, we’ll explore how to efficiently fetch data using useSuspenseQuery, manage partial data with returnPartialData, and optimize performance with useBackgroundQuery and useReadQuery. Enhance your React application with these powerful strategies!Time
Master Unit & E2E Testing: React, Apollo Client, and GraphQL
In this tutorial, we cover essential testing techniques for modern web applications, focusing on:Unit Testing with Apollo Client: Learn how to test GraphQL queries and mutations in your React application using Apollo Client.InMemory Cache Testing: Ensure your Apollo Client cache is functioning correctly.End-to-End (E2E) Testing for GraphQL Servers:
Brautstrauss mit Resin verewigen lassen
Das Konservieren eines Brautstraußes mit Hilfe von Resin stellt eine innovative Methode dar, um die Schönheit und die Erinnerungen an den besonderen Tag dauerhaft festzuhalten. Bei diesem Verfahren wird der Brautstrauß sorgfältig in eine transparente Harzmasse eingebettet, die nach dem Aushärten eine stabile und glänzende Oberfläche bildet.